Images created during this time were both developmental and exploratory. They came from people and objects I knew. "Helen", 1973, was a tribute to my mother. It was while painting the jars that I discovered a technique for dabbing various values of a color into a modeled form. The process was further refined in such works as 'Tetley' and 'Ralph'. Imagery was representational, bordering on 'photo-real', and larger in scale.
Helen - 48"x60"oil on canvas, in private collection
Pilsner - 56"x78"oil on canvas
Nixon & Ervin - 2pc display
Ervin - 60"x84"oil on canvas
Nixon - 46"x60"oil on canvas
Cowscape - 48"x60"oil on canvas, in private collection
Wilson's Evaporated Milk - 22"x26"oil on canvas, in private collection
Tetley - 31"x70"oil on masonite 3pc, in private collection
Ralph - 37"x47" oil on canvas
Ball Jars - 48"x60"oil on canvas, in private collection
In 1979 as I traveled towards Athens, Ohio, I became intrigued with a company that made highway/interstate road signs. My stopping lead to the works: 'Divorce', 'Adolescence', and 'Retirement'.
Parting Ways - 54"x78" oil on canvas
Adolescence - 54" triangular oil on canvas, in private collection