The Seventies
The Eighties
The Nineties
2000 - 2015
2016 - Present
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graduated from the University of Dayton - 1968 BS in marketing
served in the U.S. Navy during the Viet Nam era - took 1st art course via correspondence
moved to Oxford, Ohio - 1972
partnered with a gracious woman without whose support & encouragement, life would have been very different
earned MED in Art Education from Miami University
began public school teaching at Amanda Middle School, Middletown, Ohio
returned to graduate school - Ohio University - MFA 1981
began career as a painter and father - Kate 82, Joseph 84
The Works of James Klosterman
Oxford, Ohio 45056
Email Jim
Prices available upon request.
© James Klosterman
a DreamWeaver Studio website
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